

We are Kopano, and we empower you to have choice to use multiple ways to communicate with others, be it email, video meetings or chat. Or even the choice to host your own email & collaboration server, and to take a look under the hood of the applications they run on their hardware. Everyday we take steps to fulfill this mission with our team, our customers, our partners and community.


Kopano Products

WebApp provides all the familiar email, shared calendar and contact features on the web. Enhance your productivity with the integrated interface where everything is only a single click away. DeskApp pulls this to the desktop and helps by integrating with the operating system and applications you use daily.

Mobile synchronization ensures that all this information is also available (offline) on the road and on your mobile phone. Your Outlook client can be used with the Kopano Outlook Extension.



Elektronicaweg 18
2628 XG Delft
015 7504712

Opgericht in 2001
FTE: 51 tot 100

Type software

  • Kennis & Communicatie


  • Niet-sectorspecifiek

Gevestigd in

  • Duitsland
  • Nederland